
English as a subject plays a key part in the development of the student inside and out of school. A student’s ability to thrive in the subject will likely be a key determiner in whether they thrive in life now and in the future. The subject of English plays a key part in building cultural capital.

At TNHA we encourage our learners to:

  • Read a wide range of literature, both fiction and non-fiction, including a range of texts from different periods, different cultures and traditions, as well as a variety of styles.
  • Question ideas and discuss opinions
  • Develop their intellectual curiosity and questioning
  • Be confident communicating their ideas and emotions to others

The curriculum at both Key Stage 3 & 4 will encourage curiosity and learning about language and linguistics. This will include the historical, technical, social and political dimensions of language study.

English at TNHA provides students with an opportunity, through reading in particular, to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. We recognise the importance of English in teaching pupils to speak and write fluently, acquire the knowledge to build on what they already know and, ultimately, participate fully as a member of society.

English Years 7-9 Curriculum Plan

English Year 10- 11 Curriculum Plan